Midnight Cry

Journey Through The Thin Red Line


It’s been some time since I’ve posted a summary of our Sunday School classes.

We learned about Nehemiah and his burden for his homeland.

Nehemiah was the kings cupbearer, a position that was extremely important since the cupbearer also had to taste the beverage before the king would drink it (to make sure it was not tainted or poisoned). Nehemiah was sad one day and the king noticed and asked Nehemiah why he appeared sad. This could have resulted in terrible consequences, however Nehemiah said a short, quick prayer, then told the king why he was sad. The king had respect for Nehemiah and when he asked what Nehemiahs request was, the king acknowledged Nehemiah and granted his request.

When Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, he was distraught at the destruction and discord he found. God had placed the strong desire in Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. What he discovered was rubble, rocks and debris. The people had not kept God’s commandment about worship, and had allowed others to influence their way of life.

Nehemiah was astonished at the lack of faith and worship, as well as the accepting attitude towards worldly traditions.

How has your Christian journey opened your eyes to these things in today’s society? We should always strive to remain vigilant against these same things in our culture…lack of faith and worship, as well as the accepting attitude towards worldly traditions.

The world may change and be accepting of today’s social agenda.

God Doesn’t Change. His commandments are not modified or amended.

Until next time,


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