Installation + Logo Change
The template will be installed on your server exactly as the demo looks like. You will get access to the admin panel, so you can manage your website.
We will replace the template’s logo with yours on each page of the template. The logo has to be in good quality in .PSD, .EPS, .PNG, .JPG format. Logo width should be 300px and 600px
Installation + Logo Change
The template will be installed on your server exactly as the demo looks like. You will get access to the admin panel, so you can manage your website.
We will replace the template’s logo with yours on each page of the template. The logo has to be in good quality in .PSD, .EPS, .PNG, .JPG format. Logo width should be 300px and 600px
Installation + Logo Change
The template will be installed on your server exactly as the demo looks like. You will get access to the admin panel, so you can manage your website.
We will replace the template’s logo with yours on each page of the template. The logo has to be in good quality in .PSD, .EPS, .PNG, .JPG format. Logo width should be 300px and 600px


The Lord has truly blessed us here at Abner Baptist Church and continues to reward us for our faithfulness and steadfastness in serving Him. WE have a beautiful new electronic sign as well as complete repairs to the Foyer and Sanctuary along with a new paint job throughout. We were also able to have the Steeple of some 60 years finally removed with repairs to the roof to stop all leaks to the Foyer.
We Thank God for His bountiful blessings. Psalm 136:1-26
As Pastor, I, along with the congregation at Abner Baptist Church would like to extend a personal invitation to all who would like to join us for our Sunday School Hour, Morning Worship, Sunday Evening Worship, and Wednesday Night Bible Study. Currently we are in a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Genesis on Sunday Nights
May God Bless You richly and do not hesitate to reach out if we can be of service. Yours In Him for Others – Pastor Jim Thomas.
Join us here at Abner Baptist Church-Wednesday nights beginning at 6:30pm for our Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. We began our study on the Book of Isaiah on 16 August 2023. As you read/study this Prophetic Book, you will notice that it is as applicable today as it was in Isaiah’s Day.
The Word of God (KJV) Bible shows us that future events are coming as seen in this study. This is a verse by verse study with plenty of time for questions/comments/answer.
Hope to see you all there.
May The Lord Bless You is our Prayer.
Pastor Jim
Greetings. Here at the church, we would like to share with you what the Lord is doing for us. The following videos/Pictures are from 27-28 March 2023 of the construction crew replacing our roof which we have needed for some time. Excellent job.
In the days ahead we will be having parts of the ceiling in the foyer and the sanctuary replaced due to water damage as well as a fresh coat/coats of paint. Also we will be replacing the old church sign with a new programmable lighted sign.
We thank God for all He is doing for us and we are trusting that “You” will stop by for a visit on Sunday.
Thanks for visiting the website and knowing that we are praying for YOU!
Yours In Him For Others
Pastor Jim