Meet our Pastor - Dr. Jim Thomas
As the founder of The Midnight Cry Evangelistic Ministries and Senior Pastor of Abner Baptist Church I would like to share a little about myself. I came to know the Lord as my personal Saviour in January 1975. I have been in the ministry for 45+ years and served the Lord as an evangelist while serving in and retiring from The United States Marine Corps {30 years}. In 1977 we founded The Midnight Cry Evangelistic Ministries and God has blessed our faithfulness. We have been at Abner Baptist Church since October 2014, and we ask for your prayers and support as the Lord leads in your life as well.
Meet Our Staff

- Jim Thomas

- Kathryn Thomas
First Lady and Sunday School Director

- Position Open
Minister of Music-Worship Leader

- Robin Casey
Church Administrator

- Linda Powell
Church Clerk and Organist

- Denese Poole
Audio Visual Director

- E Poole
Deacon and Audio Visual Assistant

- Position Open

- Bob Gray
Deacon Emeritus

- Position Open
Minister of Music-Worship Leader
What we Believe
God is creator of the universe and author of life. God is Spirit, and therefore, He is timeless…
Jesus, the eternal Son of God, exists uncreated and is equal in Deity with the Father…
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, the third part of the Godhead is equal in authority and was sent by Jesus as the promised Comforter. He is our Teacher and Guide…

Pastor`s Word
We believe it’s important to preach the Whole Counsel of God as described in the 1611 Edition of The King James Bible. We also believe it is just as important to have members that are faithful not only to God but also to the Church and her work. Our messages are designed to give not only physical but spiritual guidance to all of God’s children with a greater understanding of the principles, scriptural and spiritual guidelines that we as believers are to follow. We believe the Holy Scriptures are inspired by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Finally, the messages are being outlined progressively “as the Lord leads” in order to help with your knowledge of the Word of God and His church, as well as an overall knowledge of who God is, what He teaches us and how you can praise His Name and Word.
"When I see church leaders going through trials, a quote from A. W. Tozer often comes to mind: “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply.” Those words can be troubling. Does Tozer really mean God can’t bless us unless we’re wounded? Is God’s plan to injure those He intends to use? Must suffering be a prerequisite for service? No matter how we might answer those questions, I believe Tozer’s on to something. Ministry preparation often starts in the wilderness. The best shepherds are those who’ve walked through the valley of shadows. And those afflicted with Christ are better able to comfort others."
Samuel Chadwick (1860–1932)
was a Wesleyan Methodist minister. He served as President of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference, 1918–1919.
Samuel Chadwick’s words are as relevant today as when he first penned them: ‘Satan dreads nothing but prayer. His one concern is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, he mocks our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray.’ One is reminded of the reported comment of a South Korean leader who was recently taken on a tour of some ‘successful’ mega-churches in North America but was surprised to discover in the course of it how little prayer featured in these congregations, either in the multiplicity of ministries being undertaken, or in the services of public worship. When his hosts asked him at the conclusion for his impression he apparently responded: ‘I am astonished at how much you folks are able to do without God!’
Salvation is there
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Meet Our Staff

- Eddison Eddington
- info@example.com

- Diana Becker
Associate Discipleship Director
- info@example.com

- Shelly Foster
Kids Paster
- info@example.com