Midnight Cry

How to Teach and Preach from The Inside Out

One thing you must remember when your heart is broken is that God loves you without conditions. Satan may indeed use his falsehoods to influence you and I at such crucial times dramatically. Despite our frailty and anxieties, God hears us when we ask for assistance. This crucial fact is something we must cling to.

However, when we are traumatised, we might not be able to understand how great God’s love is. We must learn to preach to God before we can feel his love and prepare for his life-changing healing.

We were made with a deep desire to know and adore God. Even though this desire will always exist, stress might temporarily change it.

To have one’s wants satisfied is the fundamental definition of prayer for men. To know God is the essence of prayer, according to God.

We learn through studying the life of Christ that Paul never prayed for the bodily well-being of anybody. He continued to pray, nonetheless, for the expansion and development of someone’s inner spirit.

Learning to shift our attention from the exterior or temporary to the interior or everlasting is the sacred art of successful preaching.

In other words, until we adopt an eternal viewpoint, we will never be able to sustain an everlasting prayer life. That also implies that we must never allow temporary inconveniences to undermine our belief in God.

What is God’s ultimate goal for believers—the thing that unites tragedy and success, suffering and joy, even responses to prayer? It’s easy. We are to “be with Him in paradise,” according to His design.

Steps To Be Successful In Your Teaching and Preaching: 

  1. Request that God meet you in the Bible—ask God to divulge the things you need to see.
  2. Read the Bible with a humble or remorseful spirit—Without the proper frame of mind, we may not understand the meaning of the text.
  3. Focus your meditation on a short paragraph—if the passage is too long, it could feel burdensome or obligatory. Focusing could also be more challenging.
  4. Carry a scripture in your mind throughout the day—This passage caught my attention for a good reason. Observe it.
  5. Let the verse stick in your memory; you should remember it if you need to repeat it. If it works, set it to music.

The Takeaway!

Many people who identify as Christians in this society are not founded and established in a relationship with Jesus Christ. They produce no fruit due to the Holy Spirit’s sap-like activity. They make an impact by hanging numerous decorations, lights, and tinsel from their bodies and lifestyles. But they are surviving without.

The second type of person resembles a tree watered by rivers and bears fruit in season. Their leaves won’t wither, and whatever they accomplish will be successful.

Religion may be viewed in two different ways: from the outside and inside out. We believe the Lord gave us the Midnight Cry to highlight the differences between those two schools of thought on spirituality.

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